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Funny Facebook Status to Get Likes

Dr. Sumaiya Khan
Funny status updates or messages for facebook are not only those that make you laugh, but are also something that you can relate to. Read on for some funny facebook status messages and updates...
Nowadays, the world's become a much smaller place. It's almost effortless to keep in touch with people. This is because social networking, which is a rage, has taken the technology world by storm. There are many social networking websites and one such famous website is none other than facebook.
This is a great way of keeping in touch with people, wherein you create a profile and then set a status at the top of the profile. People tend to be quite innovative in this regard and so, put up funny facebook status messages. There are many cool facebook status that you will find on facebook, some of which have been enlisted here.

Funny Status Updates for Facebook

  • used to be schizophrenic but now both of us are all right
  • too is being recalled by Toyota
  • is a cool dad, that's my thang. I'm hip, I surf the web, I text. LOL: laugh out loud, OMG: oh my god, WTF: why the face
  • is coming to theater near you.
  • is not a complete idiot, some parts are missing
  • is everything you're not
  • .. because you're worth it
  • is the one who stole the frigg'n cookie from the cookie jar. Now shut up
  • is havingtrou blewithhis spacebar
  • is writing this to entertain the losers who take the time to actually read what others 'status' is
  • is not doing what Simon says
  • is trying to focus on getting the... Oh look, a squirrel!
  • has let the dogs out
  • is X rated
  • is as seen on TV

Funny Ideas for Facebook Status Updates

  • feels like getting some work done...and so he is sitting down until the feeling passes.
  • is color blind and trying to solve a Rubik's cube... This could take a while...
  • dreams of a better world...where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.
  • is proud of herself. She finished a jigsaw puzzle in 6 months and the box said 2-4 years.
  • whoever says paper beats rock is an idiot. Next time I see someone say that I will throw a rock at them while they hold up a sheet of paper
  • would rather check her Facebook than face her checkbook.
  • . Is wondering why the hell Noah didn't leave the cockroaches and rats off his ark...
  • just received a coupon in the mail: Buy one sock, get one FREE! Till socks last.
  • ... is Loading ████████████ 99%
  • My wife said I'm too immature and if I don't grow up it is going to erect a barrier between us. Ha ha ha, erect.
  • Hi, my name is Damimeve. The 'mime' is silent.
  • Statistically, 150% of all people exaggerate.
  • Statistically 8/6 of people have trouble with fractions.
  • I just read a list of 'the 100 things to do before you die'. I'm pretty surprised 'yell for help' wasn't one of them...
  • Top Tip Of The Week: When going through airport customs and you are asked "do you have any firearms with you?" do not reply "what do you need?"
  • Learnt the hard way that you do not joke with customs officials... or anyone who has the right to put his fist up your backside.

Facebook Status Comments That are Funny

  • is getting a grip on reality..and choking it to death.
  • is out making some changes in his or her life...leave a message and I'll get back to you. if I don't return your message you are one of the changes!
  • is tired of chasing his dreams. I'm just going to ask where they are going and hook up with them later.
  • is purposely pouring water on Gremlins
  • is swearing to drunk that he is not god
  • is [censored]
  • thought he had a good tan... until he took a shower!
  • is putting the pro in procrastination
  • used to play sports. Then she realized you can buy trophies. Now she's good at everything.
  • says my computer just beat me at chess...but it was no match for me at kick boxing.
  • I'm not high maintenance. I am just a precious cargo with lavish instruction for upkeep.
  • Anything that is unrelated to elephants is irrelephant.
  • is back.. by popular demand!
  • is not spoiled. Is not, is not is not!
  • is a blessing in an exceptionally good and convincing disguise
  • is clapping her hands and stomping her feet because she is happy and she knows it
  • is normal.. it's everyone else that's weird
  • is joining the army. He hears it's a great way to meet people. Then kill them
  • is just not that into you
  • is having trouble watering the plastic plants
  • didn't fight his way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian
  • married his wife for her looks. But not the ones she's been giving him lately!
  • always takes life with a grain of salt... plus a slice of lemon and a shot of tequila
  • Make love, not war. Hell, do both. Get married
  • slept like a baby last night . Waking up every 3 hours crying for food
Of course, the best facebook status would differ depending on your choice and what you would most relate to. There are also a lot of funny groups on facebook that you can join. Hope these funny status messages made you smile. So, what are you waiting for? Go and update your facebook status now!